Back in 2006, John had a problem trying to find the right word. As we look back on how he handled it then, we’ll also take a look at how John approaches the problem now, using Highland Pro.

For the past few months, I’ve been at a loss for word. Not words, but one very specific word. It refers to knowledge that would only be known by people in a specific group. One would use it thusly…
“The distinction between italic and oblique is obvious to a type designer, but is frankly a little too blank for everyone else.”
I really needed the word. But I couldn’t remember it.
I started asking people, smart people, if they could help me figure out the word. No one could.
I Googled “pertaining to a specific group.” I got page after page of words, but not the right one.
I was 90% sure the word started with ‘e.’ So I actually went through the dictionary, page by page, looking at every entry for the letter ‘e.’
But I couldn’t find it.
Then last week, while walking through an almost empty theatre, I heard someone say something magnificent: esoteric.
From the American Heritage Dictionary:
es•o•ter•ic (es-uh–ter-ik) adj. Intended for or understood by only a particular group: an esoteric cult. See synonyms at mysterious. Of or relating to that which is known by a restricted number of people. Confined to a small group: esoteric interests. Not publicly disclosed; confidential.
I have no idea what the person was talking about. I just heard that one word, and felt the relief of an agonizing itch being scratched. I immediately emailed myself the word, just in case.
Just today, I found a Reverse Dictionary Search site, which I’ve already bookmarked for the next word I can’t remember.
Getting there faster with /lookup
Part of creating a faster, cleaner, distraction-free writing app is limiting those moments you need to take your eyes off your writing. Looking back on this old post, it seems like a potential inspiration for one of Highland Pro’s new features: /lookup.
Just type a slash and your question and Highland Pro will fire back an answer without you needing to switch to another app. In this particular case, John could’ve saved himself multiple conversations and paging through the dictionary if he’d been able to just ask the question the moment he thought of it.
You can try /lookup and all of Highland Pro’s new features with a 30-Day free trial from the App Store, or learn more on the Quote-Unquote Apps site.
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