Inneresting 47

issue 47
April 10, 2021

Learn from me, young one
While a hero doesn’t always encounter a wise person who helps pave the way for their journey, a mentor figure can be useful to them (and to your story).
Looking for inspiration for how to craft a memorable mentor? From the Grantland archives, Shea Serrano and Jason Concepcion list out their favorite movie mentors.
You can also listen to Scriptnotes Episode 180, where Aline Brosh McKenna joins John and Craig to talk about the differences between movies with good vs. bad mentors.
When the writer needs a mentor
Over at No Film School, Black List alum Jason Hellerman asks the question: Do you need a mentor to succeed as a screenwriter?
At a Google talk, author George Saunders answers several questions about writing, including the moment he recognized he outgrew the influence of one of his writing mentors.
Highland How To: Help for Writing Students
Quote-Unquote Apps is opening up its application process to get the free Student Edition of Highland 2!
Students enrolled in university writing programs (including film schools) can get a license to unlock all the Pro features of Highland 2 for one year.
All it takes is a university email address and a picture of your student (or faculty) ID. For the complete list of instructions and to apply, visit the Highland 2 Student Page.
And if you know a writer currently enrolled in a university that might want to try out everything Highland 2 has to offer, please forward them this email!
Some More Cool Things
If you want to (literally) walk down memory lane, check out A24’s write-up on the origins of Y2K-Era Movie Theater Carpet, including a link to where you can still buy some for your home theater!
PierceFilm Productions curated a lengthy playlist of clips showing the work of miniature-building special effects artists in movies ranging from Titanic to Howard the Duck.
Hollaback! has a sign-up for free bystander intervention training to help you learn how to confront anti-Asian/American and Pacific Islander racism when you see it.
And that’s what’s inneresting this week!
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Inneresting is edited by Chris Csont, with contributions from the entire Quote-Unquote team. Subscribe here.
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